Mind of Gold: A Girlfriend's Guide to Financial Freedom

Money has a powerful impact on most areas of our lives—from relationships and the ability to afford life experiences to security and, yes, even happiness. 

In Mind of Gold, authors Karen Oeser and Erica Neal share ways to strengthen your financial position and improve your financial situation by: • Discovering and modifying your money mindset 

• Creating a budget 

• Establishing and maintaining great credit

 • Understanding taxes and how they impact your finances 

• Knowing the importance of investing to build wealth 

• Planning for retirement 

The information included in this book will help you establish a solid foundation and set you on the path to financial freedom.

Buy Your Copy Today!

Amazon Bestseller “Women in Multifamily Real Estate: How Queens Do Apartment Investing Differently” is a MUST READ for any woman (or man) who wants to live in financial freedom!

Kaylee Mcmahon has brilliantly turned her conversations with 20 successful women in multifamily real estate investing who have touched her life and lives of countless others in a tangible how-to book. These women are resilient, wise, professional, and want to help others get ahead by sharing defining moments and lessons learned in their journeys to success.

Interviews with Karen

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Financial Literacy

"Many people take no care of their money till
they come nearly to the end of it."
John Wolfgang von Goethe

We at East Light Investments are passionate advocates for financial literacy. Sadly, 53% of American adults describe themselves as stressed out by money.(1) Another 78% live paycheck to paycheck.(2) Three in five adults do not keep a budget.(3) And God forbid something unforeseen happens because two out of three families do not have an emergency fund.(4).

As a seasoned investment professional, Karen was distraught to continuously see people seeking retirement advice at the END of their careers and realizing that they would not have enough to comfortably live their retirement dreams. So, she decided to do something about it. Karen is now a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) and working with some of the biggest names in the financial literacy industry to reach people EARLY so they can create strong financial habits and establish a strategy that enables them to live BEYOND their dreams.

East Light Investments is also in the process of sponsoring scholarships for women who cannot afford the level of financial coaching necessary to create strong financial habits. You can set up a complimentary meeting with Karen if you have interest in participating in this program or would like to book her as a speaker.

Our Financial Literacy Partners

1. https://www.usfinancialcapability.org/downloads/NFCS_2018_Report_Natl_Findings.pdf
2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2019/01/11/live-paycheck-to-paycheck-government-shutdown/?sh=4e5932e74f10
3. https://www.nfcc.org/resources/client-impact-and-research/2019-consumer-financial-literacy-survey/
4. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/25/your-money/emergency-savings.html