
Become A Qualified Investor, So You Can Take Advantage of the Following:


Easily take advantage of the significant wealth and income building opportunities available in multifamily apartment investments as a passive investor.

Experienced Partner

Partner with an experienced team of proven multifamily professionals and asset managers who are directly aligned with your investment interests.

Tax Advantaged Wealth

Receive a unique combination of tax-advantages only available to income producing commercial real estate investors.


You will receive clear, consistent and transparent reporting on a monthly basis so you are comfortable with the progress of your apartment investment.

Accredited Investor Questionnaire

If you are interested in hearing more about investment opportunities from East Light Investments, please complete the accredited investor questionnaire below. Upon completion, you will receive an email link to set-up an interview to discuss next steps. 

Remember, your information will be kept private and we will not sell or provide your information to anyone.

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